Email deliverability is a lot like SEO. Actually measuring results it is even worse. Some people still believe stats like opens and clicks are an indicator? thats a shame.
In Email you are totally guessing unless you use something like our?Spamguard system. We are the only company to quantify our email deliverability but its not like we are doing anything revolutionary. Any email platform could do it? but they know the results would not be pretty. Those guys believe its much better to leave you in the dark thinking your clicks and opens is what matters. Not actually getting into the inbox.
But I digress?
One thing everyone can agree on that has a major factor is getting someone to add your contact information to their address book.
Lemme explain quick what this is for those who don?t know. Everyone has a list of contacts or ?address book? in your email program. Whenever you email someone they are automatically added to that address book. People who are in your address book will override any sort of spam filter and from our experience if you have someone added to your address book then you will receive 100% of their emails.
In the Mass Email Deployment Industry this has always been the holy grail. Spammers have been coming up with unique ways hack in or manipulate systems to get their spam domains and accounts added to users address books so they can drastically increase revenue.
But lets take this to a legit company.?Like one of our clients. How do we get customers to add their email address without doing anything shady?
We simply get them to reply to an email. Thats it? And you want to get them to do it right away. ?Because when I write all the email copy for you I start to build a relationship. ?But when the copy gets more salesy and could trip spam filters that is when we are already added to the contact list and bypass those.
Here are 2 simple tricks you can do:
- Double Opt In ? instead of making them click on a link just have them reply to the email.
- Offer a discount ? After you welcome them to your list offer them a discount if they just reply to the email and keep the subject intact.
There are a lot of other ways but those are 2 ways everyone here should be able to implement right away 100% automated programatically. I am sure your email provider will be able to do this for you at no charge. If not maybe its time you get on board with a?enterprise level platform?that works intimately with your company and really helps you grow in more ways then just email marketing.
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